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Laws / Leyes

LAW - noun

1. [mass noun] (often the law) the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties: shooting the birds is against the law they were taken to court for breaking the law [as modifier]: law enforcement
[count noun] an individual rule as part of a system of law: a new law was passed to make divorce easier and simpler
systems of law as a subject of study or as the basis of the legal profession: he was still practising law [as modifier]: a law firm law students
statute law and the common law. Compare with equity.
something regarded as having binding force or effect: he had supreme control—what he said was law
(the law) informal the police: he’d never been in trouble with the law in his life

2. a rule defining correct procedure or behaviour in a sport: the laws of the game

3. a statement of fact, deduced from observation, to the effect that a particular natural or scientific phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions are present: the second law of thermodynamics
a generalization based on a fact or event perceived to be recurrent: the first law of American corporate life is that dead wood floats
4.  [mass noun] the body of divine commandments as expressed in the Bible or other religious texts.
(the Law) the Pentateuch as distinct from the other parts of the Hebrew Bible (the Prophets and the Writings).
(also the Law of Moses) the precepts of the Pentateuch.

LEY - (Del lat. lex, legis)

1. f. Regla y norma constante e invariable de las cosas, nacida de la causa primera o de las cualidades y condiciones de las mismas. 
2. f. Cada una de las relaciones existentes entre los diversos elementos que intervienen en un fenómeno. 
3. f. Precepto dictado por la autoridad competente, en que se manda o prohíbe algo en consonancia con la justicia y para el bien de los gobernados. 
4. f. En el régimen constitucional, disposición votada por las Cortes y sancionada por el jefe del Estado. 
5. f. Religión, culto a la Divinidad. La ley de los mahometanos 
6. f. Lealtad, fidelidad, amor. Le tengo ley 
7. f. Calidad, peso o medida que tienen los géneros, según las leyes. 
8. f. Cantidad de oro o plata finos en las ligas de barras, alhajas o monedas de oro o plata, que fijan las leyes para estas últimas. 
9. f. Cantidad de metal contenida en una mena. 
10. f. Estatuto o condición establecida para un acto particular. Leyes de una justa, de un certamen, del juego 
11. f. Conjunto de las leyes, o cuerpo del derecho civil. 
12. f. Cada una de las disposiciones comprendidas, como última división, en los títulos y libros de los códigos antiguos, equivalentes a los artículos de los actuales.  

1 comentario:

  1. A beautiful word. Lately very far from reality. In this times, Law is to punish the guilty. In a better world we shouldn't need to judge. It's so much better to take care of the cityzenship and bring them the access to a better society: culture.
    Culture is the instrument to avoid crimes, mistakes and bad behavior.

    The culture is the future. And the culture will set us free.
