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Fall, falls
Caer, cae

Inválido/ Invalid
Falling, fallen
Caído, cayendo

intr. Dicho de un cuerpo: Moverse de arriba abajo por la acción de su propio peso
intr. Colgar, pender, inclinarse. El pelo le cae sobre la frente.
intr. Dicho de un cuerpo: Perder el equilibrio hasta dar en tierra o cosa firme que lo detenga.
intr. Dicho de una cosa: Descender de un nivel o valor a otro menor. Un electrón cae de una órbita a otra de menor energía.
intr. Dicho de una cosa: Desprenderse o separarse del lugar u objeto a que estaba adherida. Caer las hojas de los árboles. Caerse los dientes, el pelo.
intr. Venir al suelo dando en él con una parte del cuerpo. Caer de espaldas, de cabeza.

[no object, with adverbial]
move from a higher to a lower level, typically rapidly and without control: bombs could be seen falling from the planes my purse fell out of my bag (as adjective falling) she was injured by a falling tree
(fall off) become detached and drop to the ground: my sunglasses fell off and broke on the pavement
hang down: hair that was allowed to fall to the shoulders
(of land) slope downwards: the land fell away in a steep bank
[no object] (of someone’s eyes or glance) be directed downwards: Albert’s eyes fell, and he blushed
[no object] (of someone’s face) show dismay or disappointment by appearing to droop: her face fell as she thought about her life with George
(of a person) lose one’s balance and collapse: she fell down at school today
throw oneself to the ground: she fell to her knees and began to weep
(of a tree or structure) collapse to the ground: after the earthquake, part of the city fell down
(fall over) informal (of computer hardware or software) stop working suddenly; crash: the program fell over once when I clicked on the wrong control.

Traducción/ Translation
Francés/ French: tomber
Alemán/ German: fallen
Italiano/ Italian: caduta
Portugés/ Portuguese: cair
Noruego/ Norwegian: host
Holandés/ Dutch: vallen
Finlandés/ Finnish: pudota
Sueco/ Swedish: falla

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